Statewide Criminal Background Check

Free Statewide Criminal Background Check searches criminal records in all 50 United States of America states.  It is a complete felon record history search.  All government jobs and almost all private jobs require state and federal background checks.  If it

Search Statewide Criminal Background Check in your state for free.

Many states have an online service for certain criminal background checks.  But only sex offers are data are made public.  Which is considered in large part to be a public safety issue.  Many people don’t want sex offenders living next to them.  So the easiest criminal record to search is the sex offender registry.

The safety of kids is something everyone can agree on.  It is really easy to go online and look up sex offenders.   Since they have to keep their location updated with the nationwide sex offender registry, it is easy to search.  There are searchable maps that can show where sex offenders live.  People can easily find how many sex offenders live in their neighborhood.  This is value for parents.  But when it comes to background checks for other crimes it is more difficult.

A background check at the police station.

Statewide Criminal Background Check

Background can be done at the police station.  And in some cases, they might do it for free.  In some cities, the police offer a free background check to non-profit organizations or other government departments.  They have access to other states so the it is complete.

But if you are a private citizen the best option would be to do a background check online.  Because the price the police charges is usually the same as the price of private background check companies.  Bothe will search will include all fifty states and federal databases.

People who spend days trying to find a free background check are wasting their time. State record free might be possible for certain states but not for a nationwide search. Because are usually for employment or important events.  It is not wise to try only to search a small free database.