State Record Search

State Record Search
State Record Search Free Background Check

State Record Search public documents offer people access to articles for free online archives.  Every time people interact with the state government it produces logs.  Which are free to the public.  For example, if a person has a speeding ticket.  That is in the public register.  And if that person goes to court to fight the ticket.  Then there is now a public court document.  If they lose the case and don’t pay the fine.   It is sent to the state collection agency.  Which creates more public documents.

These public papers are not just for violations.  When people get married, buy a house, or register a car or a boat.  They all produce a set of documents that is open to the public.  People don’t realize how much public papers are produced in their lifetime.  People can access state record free documents by going online, or public archive buildings.

The most common State Record Search!

Many people think the most common state record search are people’s phone number.   But the state does not keep this record.  There are records are usually provided by private companies.  And in this case, people can easily use Dex White Pages to find people’s names, phone numbers, and addresses.  In terms of state records, the most common search is criminal records.

There are two types of criminal records, federal and state.  If someone commits a crime and the state prosecutes them, then they would have a state file of the act.  If the offense is against the federal government then it is a federal crime.  Each state has its own laws.  So if a person committed a crime in California and move to Texas.  Search the Texas public record will not show anything. Statewide Criminal Background Check is only reserved for one state.  In case, a national background check will reveal the proper documents.

Other forms of public documents are open to the public!

  • Voting registration information
  • Marriage license
  • Vehicle  registration
  • Property registration
  • Court documents
  • Criminal Records
  • Speeding and parking tickets